Trauma Therapy

“And I was struck all at once how life was out there going through its regular courses, and I was suspended, waiting, caught in a terrible crevice between living my life and not living it.”

-Sue Monk Kidd, The Secret Life of Bees

Most people will experience trauma in their lifetime whether it’s an acute one time event like a car accident, the sudden death of a loved one, experiencing or witnessing a violent criminal act, or a natural disaster. Trauma can also be a history of chronic environmental or relational failures that left you feeling unsafe (physically or emotionally), unheard or unseen. The effects of trauma can be a deep emotional pain, conflicted and unfulfilling relationships, fear, confusion, or complex post-traumatic stress far after the event has passed. The development of a therapeutic relationship can be fundamental to healing.

Trauma Symptoms

According to the four types of symptoms listed in the DSM-5

Avoidance Symptoms

  • Avoiding specific locations, sights, situations, and sounds that serve as reminders of the event
  • Anxiety, depression, numbness, or guilt

Re-experiencing Symptoms

  • Intrusive thoughts, nightmares or flashbacks

Hyperarousal Symptoms

  • Anger, irritability and hypervigilance
  • Aggressive, reckless behavior, including self-harm
  • Sleep disturbances

Negative Mood and Cognition Symptoms

  • Loss of interest in activities that were once considered enjoyable
  • Difficulty remembering details of the distressing event
  • Change in habits or behavior since the trauma

Research has proven psychotherapy to be the most effective form of treatment for trauma. If you or someone you know match the trauma symptoms listed above, I am confident that I can help and invite you to contact me today so we can schedule an appointment.

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